During the course of a game in partnership play, the vast majority of disputes are caused by a player’s request for a count from a losing opponent and the opponent’s refusal to give it while the player’s partner or partners are still playing their hands. This can lead to high tension and a very strained game if partners in the game to not adhere to the rule of asking for a count.
The rule is very specific in that no player holding 11 cards in his hand is entitled to a count from his partner’s opponent. He cannot get the count until he has made his discard. In the case of a six-handed game, when one player has knocked or announced gin and one of his two partners is holding 11 cards, neither partner is entitled to a count until both hands are holding no more than 10 cards.
In the event that the opponent of a player who knocks or gins gives his count without displaying his hand and a partner of the player who knocked or ginned makes a play against the given count, that count stands. Even though it may be subsequently discovered to be wrong when the hand is exposed, it does not matter. That is the count that they must go by, even if the count was erroneous. In other words, the cards do not actually speak from themselves once a play has been made against a given count.
Therefore, when a losing count is given, the hand must always be layed down face up and exposed to the winners. This is before any play is made against that count, so that it may be verified and corrected, if necessary, by the opponents before any play is made.
In the case of a dispute and in general, a critical or belligerent partner or opponent can do more harm to his team than good. In other words, if there are disputes throughout the game and is criticized by either his partner or the other player for the manner in which it was handled, the people playing the game are often so aggravated that they cannot play the hand to the best of their ability.
You should always remember not to criticize your partner or another opponent until the game is fully over with. Then, if you still have a problem with what happened during the play of the game, you can all discuss it without sacrificing the play of the game. You do not need to go any further than explaining your position as simply as possible because arguments are unnecessary and the bitterness that can ensue can ruin even the most enjoyable partnership game.